This link will take you to the Online Book Fair where you can preview titles, watch videos about the books, shop for books and more. At Drew….students will have several opportunities to shop the Book Fair. We will be open during the Fall Carnival from 2-5 on October 19. From Oct. 21-25, students will then be able to shop during their class library time as well as recess. Be sure to view our book fair page on the website to learn about the ewallet where students can shop without having to bring cash to school.
Follow this link to use Accelerated Reader and Math Facts in a Flash when at school
This link is not used for AR Tests or Math Fact Tests.
Follow this link to check on AR points/comprehension. You can also search your bookshelf to see how what books you have tested on. Tests can only be taken at school.
Math Facts in Flash allows you to practice your math facts at school AND HOME. You then can take the “tests” at school to move on to the next level.
This website will allow you to search for AR books, find the AR quiz number, as well as the book level and number of points the book is worth.
Use this link to use the Drew Library’s Card Catalog. You can see what books we have and even if they are checked in or not.
Follow this link to request a book that you would like the library to have.